F3F models are fairly demanding in terms of programming (if not quite as complex as F5J or DLG!). Aside from having four-servo wings there are ergonomic and trimming considerations which need to be taken into account, especially for competition work.
Over the years, I've competed in over 140 F3F competitions [as of Feb 2025] and programmed a variety of radios for this task. These include the Futaba FF7 Super, MPX 3030, MPX 4000, MPX Royal Evo, MPX Cockpit SX, Futaba 12FG and FrSky X9D+ running OpenTx. More recently, a FrSky X20 running Ethos.
In this post I'll
- review the mixing and flight modes required for F3F
- describe an approach to designing a setup, with particular emphasis on ergonomics.
- explain some of the subtleties around crow brakes and aileron differential.
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Simon Thornton prepares his model at the 2015 Welsh Open F3F |
Goals/requirements for F3F
Experience has taught me that there are three key requirements for a great setup:
- The transmitter must offer all the necessary mixers
- The setup must be simple to operate in flight
- Key settings should be adjustable in flight, for quick trimming
Short but sweet!
Okay, let's dive deeper...
Mixers for F3F
In this section we'll break down the mixers needed to control an F3F model. We will define a 'mixer' as a single interaction between a stick and a pair of control surfaces.
Using this definition, we can see that eight mixes are needed to drive the wing servos on an F3F model:
- for Roll input:
- Aileron stick -> aileron servo
- Aileron stick -> flap servo
- for Crow input:
- Crow stick -> aileron servo
- Crow stick -> flap servo
- for Elevator input (elevator to camber mix, commonly known as Snapflap):
- Elevator stick -> aileron servo
- Elevator stick -> flap servo
- for Flap input (direct camber adjustment):
- Flap lever -> aileron servo
- Flap lever -> flap servo
Similarly five mixes are needed to drive the v-tail servos:
- Elevator stick -> tail servo (pitch)
- Rudder stick -> tail servo (yaw)
- Crow stick -> tail servo (trim compensation)
- Flap lever ->tail servo (trim compensation) [useful but not essential]
- Aileron stick -> tail servo (for 'coupled ailerons and rudder' aka. 'combi')
Check that your radio can implement these interactions. If not, you may try discarding the less important mixes. Or else it may be time to upgrade your tx.
With the mixers covered let's move on to flight modes...
Flight modes
Flight modes are cool!
At their very simplest, they allow you to switch between different sets of trim settings, in particular for elevator trim.
On most mid-range radios, they can also be used to activate particular groups of mixers - and this is very useful as we'll see. Also useful is the ability to set control rates and mixer strengths per flight mode.
Now here's an important rule which applies to any radio: one - and only one - flight mode is always active. That means that flight modes must be based on non-overlapping phases of flight. The usual ones for F3F are 'Launch', 'Normal', and 'Landing'. These conveniently map to a 3-position switch.
A 'Reflex' mode is often provided as an alternative to 'Normal', for high lift conditions. This can be on a 2-position switch.
So the final list is 'Launch', 'Normal/Reflex', and 'Landing'. Using this scheme, we can derive a workflow for a complete flight:
- Before launch: pre-select Normal or Reflex
- On launch: activate Launch mode
- Before entering the course: activate Normal/Reflex
- At the end of the run: activate Landing mode
So the actual flight involves manipulating a single 3-position switch - very simple for the pilot.
Mixer interlocks
Okay, so we've got a list of flight modes. Let's now look at what mixers should be enabled in each flight mode:
- Landing
- crow enabled
- snapflap off
- camber preset off
- reflex off
- Normal
- crow off
- snapflap enabled
- camber preset off
- reflex off
- Reflex
- crow off
- snapflap enabled
- camber preset off
- reflex enabled
- Launch
- crow off
- snapflap off
- camber preset enabled
- reflex off
Landing mode
Having a dedicated flight mode for crow brakes ensures a consistent aerodynamic configuration. I call this 'Landing' mode. In Landing mode, camber or reflex should be inhibited, so that the brakes always start from a defined camber setting.
On older radios, Landing mode can be activated only by a switch. With OpenTX and other modern operating systems, Landing mode may be activated automatically as the crow lever is moved away from the home position. However this increases the risk of accidental deployment if the landing area is rough (like at the Bwlch in S. Wales). Personally, I prefer to use a switch to activate Landing mode even though it's an extra operation.
Aileron Differential Suppression
Aileron differential is used to counter adverse yaw when applying roll commands. However when full crow brake is deployed, any differential will reduce the roll response.
To counter this, diff should be suppressed gradually as the brakes are deployed. Some radios have diff suppression built in (Multiplex Royal Evo/Pro/Profi). Other radios (e.g. Profi 4000, OpenTx) require it to be programmed explicitly.
Note that only aileron differential should be suppressed. Flap differential should remain constant.
To further increase the roll response, you may wish to incorporate 'reverse diff'', where the downgoing aileron’s movement is further increased as full crow is approached.
In flight adjustment
It's tempting to make adjustments in the programming menus whilst flying, however it's not really safe. A better method is to land the model first, however that's not very convenient. The best solution is to use the transmitter controls - not only is it safest, but you can make comparisons between settings in real time.
Some candidates for in-flight adjustment:
- Aileron differential
Being able to adjust diff on the fly is really useful. I use the rudder trim buttons for this, since moulded models don't need rudder to be trimmable. - Snapflap volume
Snapflap is an essential adjustment. If possible assign it to your throttle trim so that the setting is saved between sessions. Or you can use a switch to provide two or three levels of snapflap. - Camber
Camber is used in Launch mode. Some pilots like to adjust camber actively, I prefer to have it on a knob - I find a good setting and leave it. - Crow compensation
A crow to elevator mix is used to compensate for pitch changes as crow brakes are deployed. It's extremely useful to be able to adjust the strength of the mix in flight. (Even better is an adaptive trim system - see 'Crow aware trim'.) - Snapflap Expo
In flight adjustment of snapflap expo is useful though not essential. I have programmed this on my Profi 4000 as well as the Taranis, and I understand that it can be cooked up on the Futaba 12FG as well.
Ergonomics and programming
Putting all this together, here's a typical specification for an F3F setup:
- Four flight modes: Normal, Landing, Launch, Reflex.
- In-flight adjustable aileron diff, snapflap volume, crow compensation and camber.
Some goals to keep in mind for a good user interface:
- Minimise the number of switch operations
- Place the main flight switch so it's easily accessible
- Use the appropriate type of control (switch, slider or knob) for each adjuster.
Here are the layouts for my MPX 4000 and OpenTx transmitters:
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F3F layout on Multiplex mc4000 |
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F3F layout: FrSky X9D (OpenTx). |
F3F on mid-range systems
These days the power is in the software, not the hardware. Some of the cheaper sets are well suited for F3F - the difference is in the amount of customisation available.
FrSky Q X7
The FrSky Q X7 is a £100 radio running OpenTx. It makes an excellent F3F radio, when loaded with my F3F template.
Cockpit SX
The original Multiplex Cockpit SX has all the basic mixers required for F3F. However it inevitably has some limitations: you can't activate flight modes and mixers via the same switch, you can't make adjustments except via the programming knob, you can't disable the crow, and you can't define your own mixers.
Royal Pro
The Multiplex Royal Pro sits somewhere in between the Cockpit SX and the Multiplex 4000. You can adjust up to two settings in flight. You can also define your own mixers and curves. There are some annoyances though, chief of which are the horrid 'global' mixers, and the limited programmability of the 3-position switches.
Futaba 12FG
The Futaba 12FG implements all the features of our ideal setup, except that snapflap expo is tricky to program (there is a discussion on the BARCS forum).
Hopefully this article will get you thinking about the wider challenges, as well as possible solutions, involved in programming an F3F model effectively.
- Discussion thread on BARCS forum
- F3F setup for FrSky Taranis
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